Digitization of Education in India

The pendamic has left us at the cusp of a digital revolution in every field. Education field is no exception.Infact the way education is being imparted and consumed has undergone a drastic transformation since the onset of the pandemic. With educational institutions temporarily being closed owing to safety concerns, the concept of physical classroom-based learning is quickly becoming a thing of the past.

Learners and teachers have now moved to virtual classrooms and online learning has gained immense traction in recent years with the pandemic further accelerating its growth.
Due to this sudden transition, Indian ed-tech has seen a tremendous boost. Its content-rich syllabus, adaptive learning, quick doubt solving, and student-friendly UI have made learning personalized.
One of the primary reasons for India’s ed-tech sector progressing rapidly is due to the easy access to technology. Moreover, the sector is now leveraging digitalization to promote skill development, automation, and efficiency.
Today, ed-tech players are offering a whole host of applications and features for users across various age groups. Right from doubt clearances by chatbots, coaching for competitive examinations such as IIT, JEE, etc., to facilitate learning for K-12 students, ed-tech platforms have left no stone unturned to ensure they offer best-in-class products and services to users along with user-friendly applications.
Just two years back announced National Education Policy 2020 (NEP) will have a positive influence on the country’s ed-tech ecosystem when fully implemented across India. At its crux, the NEP 2020 is based on the key pillars of access, equity, quality, affordability, and accountability.It aims to revolutionize the traditional Indian way of learning by introducing new aspects such as digital libraries, coding, multilingualism, online assessments and virtual labs, and more. The policy will enrich K-12 students' learnings and provide a boost to the Ed-Tech sector simultaneously.
Without a shadow of a doubt, digitization in education has offered a substantial boost to the online learning market. The needle is shifting towards online learning and India’s ed-tech ecosystem will witness substantial growth and thrive in the near future.